Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let you put your hands on me in my skintight jeans.

Happy belated valentines day
(c'mon, I'm a poet, I can enjoy sentiment).
These are a few lusty & lovely shots of my sweetie & I taken by Adot.

And on certain days, life IS a fairytale.
I've got the (faggy) price,
the (anarchist co-op) castle,
the (drag-queen) dresses,
the (artsy) life,
the (poly-communication) fairy godmother,
the (homobile) chariots,
the (dirty queer) ball-

I've got golden gate park as a front yard
and the presidio as a backyard.
Turkish coffee around the corner
and fresh picked oranges in the kitchen.
I've got a performer poet mentor and
cheap classes and endless access to knowledge
at my click-clack of any key.

I teach dreamy students about the craft of fiction
and we create characters
& close third person narratives till the bell rings.

Tell me, how to pretend that I'm not Cinderalla?
That writer doomed for sleeping in the soot
dying alone and miserable like Dorothy Parker or Poe?

C'est la vie.

When all else fails, there are beautiful girls to look at.
Here's one I shot recently.